Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Expendable troopers Part 1

In order to sneak proper artillery into my new Iron Warriors I need to ally with Imperial guard I mean Astra Militarum.

In their background fluff the Iron Warriors do not have a great rep with the other branches of the imperial army. The nickname "Corpse Grinders" is not great for morale.

After a while only slaves and criminal soldiers were assigned to the the legion. Is this an excuse to convert troopers out of the scraps in my bitsbox?
Damn right it is.

Trooper 84657-1 was my test model. I think the prison jumpsuit orange might be a bit too bright but overall it's alright.

I also picked up a cheap knockoff cable maker. As a simple rule of thumb, if something is not grimdark enough... stab a cable into into a skull. Instantly more distopian.

I don't even remember picking up a crashed lander pilot, nor to cutting off the gun or putting a speaker on his face. Oh well, he's trooper 7483A8-67 now.

Two more in the works.