Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Command Tank

Once again I abandon the concept of camouflage and paint things yellow. 

You can tell it's a command tank because it is impractically festooned with radio equipment.

Friday, June 26, 2015

I have had a few things on the go at the moment. Here's a selection of the more interesting ones.

Chosen Chaos Space Marine.
(Note the lovely flayed skin tabard.) 

The Space Hulk Blood Angel terminators still look good, even compared to the newer ones.

I am trying really hard to not start another marine army. Every now and again I accidentally paint a pre-heresy Emperors Children. Like this Praetor.

Nice Legs Lancer

I have been working on a little something.

Okay a big something

Monday, June 15, 2015

Monday, June 8, 2015

Another blast from the past: Warhound titan

A very long time ago (read maybe 18 months) when the moon was full and the something else ominous was doing whatever ominous thing it does, I built a warhound titan.

Alas it has long since been sold off. At a bring and buy very cheaply I might add. All that remains is one WIP photograph.

It was built using the ancient STC designs of the White Dwarf magazines "build your own Warhound titan" cardstock designs, a couple of packets of miliput and lots of ingenuity. 

The WIP is at maybe the mid point with the corroded armour plates being made and the initial layer of rust being applied.

Unfortunately I don't think any photos of the finished titan exist.