Friday, January 13, 2017

Building a bigger knight: Part 4

Finally some plastic tubes arrived to finish off the legs. With pistons and supports they look much less spindly.

Made a start on the leg armour plates. Getting them to stay curved is much harder than I thought. Having some success with laminating two curved sheets together.

What's a knight titan without a gun? With it's hands full I made a shoulder mount.

It's a pretty solid mount given the small contact area.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Seems my Iron Warriors have been left out for a while.

I re-armed an Iron Circle mech a while back. The models are nice, rules not so much. So I'll be turning all of mine into contemptor dreadnoughts.
This one will use the space wolf axe and shield dred rules.

The sword is made from a couple of thicknesses of plasticard.

After paint it looks less crappy.

Here he is in his painted, but not properly based, glory.

Making Noise... Marines

There can't have been that many people who saw the Thousand Sons plastics and thought "I could make noise marines out of those."

I am one of such people.
The legs torso and backpack are all built as normal out of the box. With a bare head from any other marine kit. I prefer to stick with the more recent kits since the faces are better.

None of my noise addicts wear helmets. Why would you want something in the way of experiencing all that raw sensation?

That does mean I had to convert every single face to be cut and stretched differently. I only had two different types of bare head to work with and it'd be really noticeable if all my marines were twins..

The first few went together pretty well. It was all downhill from here.

The thing that initially made me think I could make noise marines out of this lot was the flamers with the demon bird heads. I figured they could make nice sonic blasters.

Cut of the tank and the little igniter nozzle.

I added a bit of plastic card to the front, this will act as a solid base for some GS. The little round disc on the gun casing will be a volume control turned all the way up to 11.

Time to attach the arms and shoulder pads (with a couple of scarabs filed off).

Some greenstuff scary faces and the sonic weapons start to look the part.

Added a stretched skin over the shoulder pad. For reasons.
Everything needs huge visible power cables in 40K.
Especially since I bought that cable maker tool. 
... I wonder if they are related in some way.

The cable dissapears under the shoulder pad - where it probably connects to something important.

With some horrible bright pink and gaudy gold tims it starts to look alright.

And I'll leave you with the WIP blastmaster.