Saturday, July 30, 2016

Two birds - one high velocity armor piercing round

A long time ago I made some, in my opinion, damn fine waywatchers using the high elf shadow Warriors kit.

Turns out I have a few of the bodies I made for that project left over.

Rather than make something practical with them, I was a built this xenos sniper lady.

Good job, Bel.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Technology is hard.

I had to get a new phone. I might of accidentally completely destroyed my old old one in a black hole.

It happens, dont the judge me.

I figured I should work out if I can post from it. Maybe that will push my post frequency up from almost never?

In other news, I started painting Iron Warriors. This colour scheme might stick out of sheer ease of batch painting.

Though free handing skulls not so much.
Let's see how long this one lasts.

Thursday, July 21, 2016


Have been kind of on a primarch kick since building Rogal Dorn.

I just happened to have a pair of featheredwings lying around and a pile of blood angels doodads in my bitsbox.
Sanginius it is then.

People who tell you metal models were better are lying. Shaving down the top of the metal Nightbringer torso so it would fit against the bottom of the BA chestplate took literal days

I think the wings were from a pegasis knight. I wish I had more of them whatever they are from.

Another liberal use of Stormcast Eternals arms. 

I think I tried 20-30 different shoulder pad combinations before I decided on the two I used.

Connecting body to skirt to base also too all kinds of drilling and filing. Thanks, metal.

More Stormcast bits to round out the model. Sanginius doesn't have rules yet so it's a guess as to what he will be armed with. That said, swords are a pretty good bet with HH characters.

I think he needs a bare head with hair but I couldn't find one I liked.

As with Dorn, I'll never get around to finishing the paintjob. Threw him up on eBay too. Hopefully someone else will finish him.

What will Bel's next unfinished project be?
More space wolves? Silent hill dark eldar? A (second) series of published romance novels? Getting a real life? Tune in next time.

Rogal Dorn

I accidentally picked this up on eBay the other day
What to build from a primarch? Well another primarch obviously.

Since Imperial Fists are currently my go to chapter tactics, Rogal Dorn seems like a good choice.

At the time of the Horus Heresy Dorn rocks up with a bolter and a chainsword. Making vanilla look good I suppose.

I didn't take pics at every step due to a combination of being too lazy to get my camera but also not being lazy enough to stop working on it.

The arms are cobbled together from an assortment of oversized parts from stormcast eternals sets. Their arms and weapons are actually too big even for space marines so they fit well enough.

I sculpted a couple of passable aquillas, though I fear the one on his chestplate is more recognisable at a distance than the leg.

Dryfitting the shoulders (Again more stormcast eternals bits) the fist icons are all press moulded from a forgeworld shield of some kind. You cal also see the gorget bit better here. It was carved off a spare betrayal at calth terminator torso and helps cover up some of the cog iconography from the top of the torso.

Filled up some gaps and affixed the shoulders proper here. More aquilas, purity seals and scrolls. JUST ADD MORE THINGS.

A regular boltgun was just not fancy enough so I built a bigger one out of yet more stormcast eternals weapons with a scope and barrel thrown in for good measure.

 Finally has his hands attached. The giant chainsword is an eviscerator from the assault marines box.

Turns out I forgot to add that backpack aquilla. (Yeah I know, just not enough aquillas without it right?) OOPS.

This is as far as I got with painting him before I fell back on space wolves.

I just could not be bothered to paint yellow. So I guess he's going back to eBay.