Everyone loves giant robots.
That said... the basic crisis suit model needs some serious work.
Firstly it is missing two main points of articulation.
1. A waist.
Having a waist allows the suit to twist. This increases the posability a hundredfold.
This takes quite a bit of cutting as the upper and lower halfs of the main torso pieces were not intended to be cut through.
The two halves are rejoined by a thin plastic circle. Allowing the wait to turn.
(This suit was from my bits box and was missing feet. I had to make some new ones out of plastic tubes.)
2. Wrists.
Crisis battlesuits don't really have hands. This is a not a problem if you intend to build them as is in the box.
I am compelled to convert everything so there is no way I could leave this be.
Googling around I found that Grey Knight terminator hands are perfect for Crisis suits. Luckily I had a few lying around. I'll have to find a Grey Knight player at my FLGS who has some spares.
Note: reposing the arm at the elbow is easy enough. Just a little cut.
I had to rebuild the arm joins too. Due to breakage rather than as part of the conversion.
I also added a few extra little bits like the knee-guards (to cover damage to one of the knees) and the torso vents.
The little scanner is from a Skitarii Ironstrider or something. I wanted some kind of hand scanner...
...ended up looking like the dragon radar.