Friday, May 22, 2015

Space Wolf Predator

I don't know about you guys but I love the old style dome turrets.

Knight: Complete

And it is finished.

Then I spent way too many hours painting a tiny banner for reasons that I am sure made sense at the time.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Knight: Part 2

A little converting work and I feel much better.

I replaced most of the armour plates. Mostly scratchbuilt from plasticard and pins. The studded plates worked out a little better than I expected.

The reaper chainsword still amuses me a little.

An elegant weapon of a more civilised age. Wait... no it isn't. It's a chainsaw the size of a goram car.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Dunecrawler 2

The Onager Dunecrawler is an awesome kit. So I am pretty happy when people commission me to make them.

Still not sold on the official Mars colour scheme though.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Bigger Guns

I felt my Mechanicus troops needed a little artillery support. 
A little work with an Earthshaker cannon some tubes, a handful of matchsticks and a couple of jawas later, the first of three Earthshaker cannon emplacements was completed.

Knight: Part 1

Picked up a knight titan still on sprue for cheap(ish) from eBay.

For the most part it's a really cool kit to build. The whole upper half has tons of pose able connections. The legs however need a lot of cutting for even quite simple pose changes. I'll leave that for some future project.

Still not entirely convinced that chainsword is big enough.

With a bit of tweaking I did manage to make my knight left handed.

Not quite finished build. It's still a bit too built according to the instructions for my tastes. I have left all the armour plates separate for ease of painting so I might make a few adjustments before I start.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Menial servitors

I have seen these little guys in a couple of places now. I have a big bag of unwanted goblins so I thought I'd make some mini-servitors.

More to come, I just need to source some tiny machine deailes for them.

A friend and I had a recent conversation about the messed-uppidness of servitors when used for normal tasks. A mindless fusion of flesh and machine mopping the floor or doing the dishes is so much scarier than using them for battle.

Onager Dunecrawler

The mechanicus dunecrawler is a cool kit chock full of converting possibilities.

Which I ignore and build it by the numbers.

Still not convinced by the radioactive atomic winter snow.