I recently accidentally obtained one of these fearsome creatures:
It's the frog from the terradon kit. Now I could just throw it into some dark corner of my bitz box and never think of it again. But then I'd be missing out on a cool conversion opportunity.
Instead I decided it would make a good Primaris Psyker.
I plan to mount the frog inside some sort of psychic amplifier bio tube kajigger (TM).
I'm sure this is not a new idea but I like it anyway.
Base platform made of a tank hatch, some wire and some short bits of plastic rod (Rod not tube this time).
Made a cap for the bio tube out of another hatch some, coiled wire and some plastic tube. These two sections fit into either end of a clear plastic tube.
next I need to add more details and decide if the whole thing is going to have spindly spider legs or if it will float along using creepy psychic powers.